
Topic of the week RURAL – Challenge is to capture an image that reflects the topic.

I had multiple ideas but could not capture what I was after. When the crops start to come in the timeline to capture the farmers in the field is short. My initial shoot was a gloomy wet Saturday, it was too wet to bring in the crops so tractors were sitting idle, nothing inspirational. As the week passed crops dried up and the fields were bailed and lined up, I’d missed my window. I found this tractor on the U of A fields. It caught my eye and the weather was cooperating.
My submission for this assigment is:

“Sassy tractor”
Bennett, D. (2014). “Sassy Tractor“. [image].

Thank you to all who have supported me over the years.
We have decided to remain closed for the duration of COVID. 
I am spending time with family. Once Vaccine roll-out is complete we will re-assess and consider re-opening spring 2022.